Time Zone: UTC

19 May 17:00 – 19 May 17:30 in Talks

Logging for scientific computing: debugging, performance, Dask

Itamar Turner-Trauring

Audience level:


When it takes hours or days to run your computation, it can take a long time before you notice something has gone wrong. This means your feedback loop for fixes can be very slow. Learn how logging, and in particular the causal tracing library Eliot, can help debug inconsistent calculations and spot input-specific performance problems in your Dask application.


When it takes hours or days to run your computation, it can take a long time before you notice something has gone wrong. This means your feedback loop for fixes can be very slow. If you want to solve problems quickly—whether it's inconsistent results, crashes, or slowness—you need to understand what was going on in your process as it was running: you need logging.

In this talk you'll learn how logging in general, and the Eliot logging library in particular, can help you:

You'll also learn how Eliot's causal tracing makes understanding the flow of logic in your program much easier than traditional logging, and of course how to integrate Eliot with your Dask application.