Time Zone: UTC

Life science workshop

Genevieve Buckley

Audience level:


The Dask life science workshop is intended to create a space for community engagement. Currently, many people in life sciences use Dask, but individual groups are relatively isolated from one another. This workshop gives us an opportunity to learn from each other, as well as opportunities to identify common frustrations and areas for improvement.


The Dask life science workshop is intended to create a space for community engagement. Currently, many people in life sciences use Dask, but individual groups are relatively isolated from one another. This workshop gives us an opportunity to learn from each other, as well as opportunities to identify common frustrations and areas for improvement.

The workshop involves:


This workshop is intended for people working in life sciences. They may be individuals writing code for their specific lab group, or they may be developers of a scientific python library. Participants will typically have background knowledge in their specific area of life science, knowledge of Python, and some familiarity with Dask.


Pre-recorded lightning talks will be limited to 5 - 10 minutes, and made available to all attendees one week before the summit. It is not required to submit a lightning talk to attend the workshop, but we encourage people to do so.

Attendees will be encouraged to structure their lightning talks like this:


The life science workshop will host interactive discussion times with the community, accessible across different time zones.

Each interactive discussion time has a suggested format:

We will provide some possible topics and conversation starters, but we expect the community will bring their own ideas and choose discussion topics. The chief value of this workshop is that it is a participant driven gathering.


After the workshop, participants will have better links to people in other groups working on similar problems. They will have had opportunities to learn from each other and identify common frustrations. As a result of this workshop, we will have identified key areas blocking progress for users in life sciences.