Guillaume Eynard-Bontemps

In charge of CNES Computing Center team since 2019-06, I'm a specialist in big data oriented distributed computing.
From 2011 to 2016, I've deployed a Hadoop cluster and helped scientists to deploy algorithms on it, using first plain Map Reduce, then Cascading framework, and Spark in the end. I work on CNES HPC platform as expertise support since the end of 2016.
I started using Dask in 2018, first for analyzing metrics of our HPC platform, but soon with algorithms from our users. I helped develop dask-jobqueue and still participate actively in the Pangeo community. Thanks to this works, I was able to deploy a Jupyterhub based service for CNES Computing Center.


Dask in HPC

20 May 14:00 – 20 May 16:00 in Tutorials / Workshops 1