Nicholas Smith

I am a postdoctoral research associate at Fermilab and am a member of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment. I joined the Fermilab CMS group in 2018, with a focus on probing the properties of the Standard Model Higgs boson using novel analysis techniques and working in computing operations and R&D. My current research includes: searching for deviations in high transverse momentum Higgs boson production rates via the all-hadronic bb and cc decay modes; building novel physics analysis frameworks using the scientific python ecosystem and the latest commercial distributed computing technologies as part of the Coffea project; and co-leading the CMS computing operations group as we commission the new Rucio data management software and continually improve our workflow management system.


Analyzing particle physics data in the scientific python ecosystem

19 May 19:00 – 19 May 19:30 in Talks