Draga Doncila Pop

Draga is a recent graduate from Monash University with a Bachelor of Computer Science. Her areas of interest lie at the intersection of computer science and its applications to research in a variety of disciplines. So far her research work has focused on microimaging and remote sensing image visualization and analysis. She is particularly passionate about open source development and open research. She is currently teaching Computer Science and working part time as a contractor on napari - an open source n-dimensional image visualizer.


Interactive visualization and near real-time analysis on out-of-core satellite images Speaker

19 May 01:00 – 19 May 01:30 in Tutorials / Workshops 2

Interactive visualization and near real-time analysis on out-of-core satellite images Speaker

19 May 01:00 – 19 May 01:30 in Tutorials / Workshops 2

Dask Down Under: Panel Discussion

19 May 03:30 – 19 May 04:30 in Tutorials / Workshops 2

Dask Down Under